Friday 20 February 2009


Icon: cell window


Imagine you have been found guilty of a serious crime. You now await sentencing. You have been warned that the sentence will be a long one, in prison. Let this little icon remind you of how precious what you see, taste, hear, feel, smell really is. How much you would miss it if you were deprived of it in a jail cell.

Tuesday 10 February 2009


When I was at school, at the end of a lesson in the gymnasium, our teacher would have us lie on the floor and completely relax. In order to test that we were relaxed, the teacher would take hold of an arm or leg, raise it a short distance and drop it to the floor. If it dropped naturally, you were relaxed, and could then leave the lesson. If it felt forced, you would stay until relaxed.

I can't recall many times when in modern life I am naturally so relaxed. Yet it seems a desirable place to be. Today's exercise is to take small opportunities to be relaxed throughout one's body. To the extent that one knows if one picked up that limb, and then dropped it, it would fall naturally. You can do this first thing in the morning or last thing at night in bed, but also sitting on a train, or at odd times at a desk, or at quiet moments throughout the day. The symbol to draw on your hand is universally known to motorists. It is a stop sign.

Monday 9 February 2009


This site is designed to give a daily spiritual workout.

Each exercise is accompanied by a short explanation and commentary.

To aid memory of the exercise I recommend that you draw a symbol on your hand. The symbol for each exercise is illustrated.